Announcing CoE Resources + Advisory Support
Last year CoE leadership talked with our partners and asked how we could better serve federal agencies and the public, and many said they’d really like to know what other agencies are doing to modernize successfully. So here it is!
We’ve collected key findings on what we’ve learned from our work with more than 25 federal agencies, and are pleased to share a new collection of resources from our 8 centers and practice areas.
CoE Resources + Advisory Support
These Starter Guides, Models & Templates will be available to support federal agencies undergoing technology transformation projects. Through funding from the American Rescue Plan, this work furthers our mission of centralizing best practices and expertise for holistic transformation and is provided at no cost to users.
Using these resources, any Federal agency can take the first steps in their modernization journey by considering concepts themselves. CoE leads are also hosting live support at virtual workshops and office hours.
Each resource will be hosted here on our website and the interactive workshop series will be held virtually through Zoom for Government. Live captioning is available to all participants. The sessions are open only for federal employees.
Follow us on Twitter @GSACoE to stay tuned for details on each new offering!
Check out our new releases
- IA Culture Pre-Assessment Guide
- Data Governance Charter Templates
- Cloud Migration Acquisition Journey Map
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